We like it when things just come together. We were approached by the Wabash Historical Society in 2019 about putting some information in the lookout about the old right of way it sits on. Of course we we said, “Sound great! Let’s do this.” 2020 came and went and so did 2021 with nothing produced from the idea. This year we jsut did it ourselves. One of our board members is working on a plan to model a modern version of this line if it would have stayed operational and he had written up a nice history of the line in preparation of that. The modern part of the description was removed and the APRHF logo added. We got it printed and hung up in May of this year.
If any of you have visited the lookout. You know it gets a little warm in there and sometime air movement is non-existant. A member and friend of ours was up there last year and asked about putting in a fan on a timer. Another good idea. We agreed and he donated the money for the project. Many have said that the fan makes quite a difference.
We are thankful for our visitors and members that suggest ideas and help us to make the lookout more fun and informative. Remember that this lookout was built by railfans for railfans. Happy Train Watching!!