Why Aren’t You All Building Anything????

Misoprostol without a rx Yes that is the question we get all the time as we go about our daily life here in LaPlata. We have people that want to come and enjoy what “Lookout Point Park” should be offering. Sadly the rest of this year is not going yield any improvements except for maybe a tree or two trimmed. Below is an excerpt from our newsletter: We try to post good news and positive information in this newsletter. This sadly does not fit that idea. I must share of some stuff that came up right after the RR Days event that is not positive. Silver Rails Properties is the folks we made the agreement with to build the park. The area it is in was picked because it never got used for anything. They also own the old Trainparty building. That is where the APRHF archives were being sorted and stored until the Leiwstown building was set up. Not any more. We suddenly got told to hold off on any improvements to the park and also needed to move out of the old Trainparty building ASAP so they could get their health inspection and get their license to produce wine. That put us in a bad situation. The APRHF did manage to dodge one bullet by renting the building across from the old Trainaprty building to store our archives and the store is now at our house due to lack of space there. The only issue now is the threat of the land being sold due to lack of income of the winery/vineyard. We are dilligently working to avoid that and have offered to buy it but can’t get a price from the owners. Sadly until this clears up, there will be no more big projects on the property for at least the rest of the year. I hope spring brings renewal in more than one way and we can start moving forward on more projects. In the meantime behind the scenes planning will not stop. That will help us hit the ground running when this hurdle is hopefully cleared. Thank you for your understanding and continued support as we (the APRHF) works through this.

This is our APRHF storage area for the time being until things are settled.

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