National Train Day 2013 in LaPlata, Chicago and Los Angeles

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First off here is the info on the La Plata Event. The train station will be open from 9 to 3 on May 11th

Free Coffee and Donuts available in the morning, Amtrak Memorabilia Exhibits, Railroad Artwork, Operating Model railroads, Kids Train Cookie Decorating, ATCS monitor display and Q-n-A also a Possible motorcar Display. Come and see parts of the station that are not normally open to the public. Also see the star of the show at 9:55 am. It is train #4 the Southwest Chief. The members and volunteers of the American Passenger Rail Heritage Foundation and the station caretakers look forward to seeing you.

If you are in Los Angeles please visit the APRHF booth there. It will have some of the wood carvings  of Jackie Hadnot. He is one of our exhibitors at the Silver Rails Gallery. No doubt seeing his work will be a treat.

If you are in Chicago please visit Kansas City Nathan (host of the Lets Talk Trains Show) and Chris Mains. They will be ready to answer any questions you may have.

Full information about the APRHF and Silver Rails Country will be available at all the booths.



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11 years ago

The numbers are in Los Angeles had about 10,000 people and Chicago had a little more. Our event in La Plata brought in 250 folks. It was a good event across the baord. Now to start getting thoughts together for next year.

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