Our Model Ambassador has Grown by Getting Smaller

http://boscrowan.co.uk/blog/page/4/ Some of you may remember our HO layout that we used to use for outreach at train shows. If not. HERE is a link to that story. We had fun with that layout but it had issues. The main one was we could not run passenger trains because of the tight radius. It did not make sense to have a layout like that since we are about passenger rail history. At home we started working on an N-scale layout for my daughter when the idea came to make an APRHF layout that would work with it. We sourced out some donations and then found a collection for sale that was the perfect deal.  After that the HO layout was cleared and the doors turned over , re-sized and then framed up. Here is the first mock up.


The layout on the close end is our daughters the other three pieces are the APRHF.  The doors are on the bottom of the frame and a piece of 3/4  foam to fill out the void. The track is all Kato unitrack and the operating system is MRC Prodigy Advance Squared. This layout when      un- assembled fits perfectly in our mini-van. Here it is at its debut event. Monticello Railroad Days.


Most module layouts are hooked together with other layouts but we travel as one so that is why we decided on the random bridge crossings to the next table. It breaks up the lines.






As you can see. Each outside table has a double main with  a little bit of industrial spurs. The middle table is the large yard.  That point is expandable if we decide we need more yard. As you can see some scenic work was done while at the event. The car shop will be added later.

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The above photos was the second event for this new build . We were in Sedalia, MO. The layout helps break the ice when talking to folks about train history and the APRHF in general. It has been operating well and we can’t wait to get it out this year. You never know where the ‘Model Ambassador” will show up.


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