Painting The Town With New Signs

hourly There is always something to do in the APRHF headquarter town of LaPlata, MO. Most of the time there is one piece or two missing to complete those to do items. Money, time, weather etc. You get the picture. One of those “weather” days was in full play so I was reading the Great American Stations newsletter and saw the answer to an issue that has been on my mind for a while. Station Identification signs!! The ones we had in town were wore out to say the least. A quick read of the ordering instructions, and a call to Mayor Lois, got the signs ordered and they appeared about four days later. The street department picked up the signs and we quickly discussed placements. The next day Kiley, Greg and Jake went out and “Painted the Town” with the new signs. They look great and people are noticing them. We are an Amtrak town and proud of that fact. A huge thank you to everyone that helped with this. What is the next project? Stay tuned…. In the meantime. Here’s your sign(s).

sign 1
Owensby street  north of the station by the vineyard.

signs 2
Owensby street south of the station by the high school.

sign 3
156 Hiway as you enter town from the west

sign 4
156 Hiway coming from 63 at the first entrance to LaPlata from the South.

signs 5
North Entrance into LaPlata off 63 Hiway by the Depot Inn.

sign 6
These have been here a while. They were put in about three years ago. All entrances into the city limits
proudly proclaim that we are and Amtrak Served Community.

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