You Want to Build Some Railroad Track?

can you buy Lyrica online The time has come to do the big work. We are about a month behind on this project and this last couple weeks have been great! First thing we did is borrow some spike pullers. Two are Milwaukee Road Vintage and one is Missouri Pacific. We thank Brad and Zach for letting us borrow the tools. The call for volunteers went out and what was supposed to be a day and a half turned into an almost 3 day work and fun event. A huge thank you to Silver Rails Properties for letting us have this track for the project.

Our volunteer crew consisted of the following people. APRHF members Derek Briley, Dennis Warrick, Bob Cox and Amy Cox. VR Cam watchers James Tompkins, Donna Clifton, Joel Kidwell, Christian Harris, Doug Watt and Ethan Denny, Local citizens and friends. Todd McClaskey and Gary Eye.

Thursday was when Conductor member Dennis Warrick and his friend Ethan Denny showed up. He brought his own spike puller. It was a Union Pacific piece. They dove into pulling spikes from the east to the old crossing. Roland Lindsey and crew also showed up that day with a torch to cut a few pesky bolts that were holding the track together. By Thursday afternoon the east end to the crossing was apart. Later that day, Drew Magers appeared with his bobcat to help get the track that settled into the ground out of said ground. He made quick work of it. That evening some more volunteers showed up. They helped take apart the crossing west part and stack all the parts.

The top photo is Dennis and Ethan takings things apart. Bottom photo is cutting some bolts.
Christian Harris is helping get out the last spikes while I watch in my signature black socks (that is a joke from the chatroom on VR)

Friday morning came and most of us slept in. Everyone started showing up about 10am. Today was the time to clear anything that was missed the night before and load the truck with all the plates, spikes and J hooks. Friday afternoon we all loaded up and went over to where the track was going to be re-assembled and started laying out the plates and spikes. After that Derek Briley and James Tompkins went over to where the Amtrak cars are sitting and took measurements to help up preset the tie plates. When they got back, we did some measuring and started setting the plates. We set about 5 sets and then went to dinner. After that it was train watching and relax time.

Parts everywhere!!
The “Official Work Truck” of the APRHF is all loaded up with all the parts from the track.

Saturday morning was not on the list for a work day. There was enough of us still here and wanting to build. Why not build then. All the tie plate presets were done and this area is now ready for rail to be brought over.

Working on getting the measurements correct.
Getting all the parts laid out and ready. Time for that sledge hammer to do some work.
A view from the air of the finished part of this project. The rail may get set in this labor day weekend.

We deeply appreciate everyone’s help on this project. More opportunities to come if you did not get to help this time.

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