Like a G-12

Lyrica tablets buy online This summer has been hit or miss on fun things. The APRHF has been keeping their eye on the prize and working as much as we can on the “Lookout Point Project” As of this article there are no less than four projects going on at the same time. Two are in planning stages and one is getting the rail moved tonight.

This post is going to focus on the 1950’s model MTC (Miniature Train Corporation) G-12 train that a friend of mine saw on Facebook marketplace. It was labeled for sale in Kirksville. Of course Amy and I bee lined it to Kirksville after reaching out to the owner to see this treasure.

Once we got there it was a love at first sight thing. Just what we needed for the park. A quick text of photos and price discussion with our secretary and the deal was made. A few days later we went to pick it up. It was a balmy 101 degrees and 90% humidity and this thing was heavy. Thankful for the extra hands that came us. We got it all loaded and took it back to LaPlata for storage, sorting and to hatch a plan to make it operational again.

This is our first visit to see the train.
All ready to go to LaPlata, MO!
Thankful there is room inside to store it at the building.

This train came from an abandoned property that was bought by the folks in Kirksville. The original owner used to own a carnival and moved to Florida many years ago. Everything was just left. The house/barn had fallen around the train some time ago. We deduced the scrappers made off with what they could at one time. That explained the missing track and power trucks for the engine. We are still hopeful that the trucks may be in the house/barn. It is to dangerous to search right now.

The train when the landowners first found it. 🙁  Joyland was not very joyful.
The property when Amy and I went out to look for more parts.

I shared a couple of photos with some of the members and that is when Bill Barr called. He wanted a winter time project. I said sure. What are you thinking? Conversation ensued and the train went to Michigan this past weekend. There it will get a complete redo. Bill is metal worker and it needs that for sure in places. I have done some searching for parts and some how to on the missing power trucks and truck rebuilds. Found a place in Arizona that has parts and super nice park that is basically dedicated to these trains. MTC made a G-16 and G-12 trains. The number represents the width of the track. This place has them all.

Train is all loaded up for its ride to the Barr Palace in Michigan.


Safe and sound at the Barr Palace. This will be the last look at this train in this state of disrepair.

The track for this train was not all there. Part of it was damaged when the house fell and what was easy to get at was stolen by scrappers while it sat unattended on the property for years. Its really sad that people can’t leave things alone. The damaged straights and the one curve piece are at a local Amish metal shop. They are going to make the straights into curved track and also figure out how to build more track. They were quite intrigued at this project.

Track is all loaded and ready to head out to Kaufmann Supply.

In the end this train will be an attraction in the park. First things first is the preservation process. Please help us get this beauty re-done and out for the public to enjoy. Tour tax deductible donation can be done below. American Passenger Rail Heritage is a 501c-3 Corporation.

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Duane Lundgren
Duane Lundgren
4 years ago

Not many things are more exciting than a PROJECT!!! Updates keep the interest going, too!! Thanks B & A !!!

3 years ago

[…] Bob Cox on Like a G-12 […]

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