Plan B for Lookout Point Park

buy provigil online without This article was set in drafts in June and here it is October and I finally feel like writing it. Cue the positive music… and here we go. Plan B and C is in motion. We are talking to the RR’s and other folks about some land options to see what our options actually are. The wheels are turning very slow but we are hopeful for some good news in the spring.

We are still moving what we can off the original park area to keep the weeds and brush from taking over. The items moved will be brought over to our archive storage building area and cared for. It is a literal mess over there at the park and looks just like the vineyard itself does. So sad to see.

The Amtrak cars will be dealt with when we figure out our options or the land sells. Please know that we are trying to stay positive as we navigate these uncertain waters. Thank you for your understanding during this time.

The current Lookout Point building is still available for your enjoyment. Come and see us sometime.

Projects that are hold here are the “Exhibition of Amtrak History” and the “Lewistown Station Move” The station was going to be the camping office, store and local history museum and the Campground that would be full right now if it was built like it would have been this year.

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