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Lookout Point Park Full Rendering and Information!!

This project has been on the APRHF.org radar for sometime. Lots of planning has gone into this and fundraising is moving along for one of the phases. As you can see below …

Volunteer work days at the APRHF Exhibition of Amtrak History

Our APRHF membership is nationwide. Members often do not make it to the LaPlata area with much time to do projects. We also do not expect any member to do work when they are …

Anytime Is Camping Time. Lookout Point Park Host’s Its First Camping Customers.

There has been lot’s of planning going into the APRHF Lookout Point Park project. So much of that planning was going on. We almost forgot that we can open the park for …

R.I.P. to a Friend and Good Member Keith Thomas

Keith Thomas of Milwaukee, Wisconsin was known by most as K Thomas on the LaPlata Virtual Railfan chat. He was a daily regular in the chatroom.To the APRHF he was a Pullman …

It’s Springtime at the APRHF Headquarters in LaPlata, MO.

We love springtime!! It is that time when everything comes out of hiding from the cold. The APRHF does that also. Winter is the time to plan, catch up on paperwork and make …